Dear Pastoral Land Board,
I am writing to urgently request that you reject the application by Cross Pacific Investments Pty Ltd. to clear 562 hectares of native vegetation at Scott Creek Station.
I submit that it is totally inappropriate that this application be assessed under the Gunner Government’s “Simplified Pastoral Land Clearing guidelines”. This is not a simple application, but one which risks significant impacts on biodiversity at a landscape scale when considered cumulatively with the other components of the proponent’s development. It should be rejected, and the project as a whole immediately referred for assessment under the Environment Protection Act NT and Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (Cth) as it clearly meets the threshold of having the potential to have a significant impact on the environment and a number of matters of national environmental significance.
I submit the following:
I am extremely concerned that 13% of the Daly catchment is already cleared, and there are no caps in place to prevent largescale devastation of this highly valued region, with irreversible impacts, including on the magnificent free-flowing Daly River. The “simplified guidelines” are a huge step backwards for protection of our savannas and rivers, and are likely to be inconsistent with the requirements of both Northern Territory and Commonwealth environmental legislation.
The Application should:
(a) be rejected and resubmitted as a standard application; and
(b) be referred for assessment under both the Environment Protection Act NT and EPBC Act.