Join us for our Annual General Meeting 2020.
The topic this year is Water.
Water is vital for human and environmental health, life in all its forms, and the viability of all communities. Yet our water resources are under threat from government neglect, renewed calls for water-intensive development in northern Australia, and climate change.
Water will be a priority campaign, policy and law reform focus of ECNT in the coming year, building on the extensive work to date around the issues posed by proposed irrigated agriculture (including cotton) and the need for safe drinking water protections for all Territorians.
Come and hear from Kirsty Howey and Jason Fowler discussing ECNT’s work around water.
Following presentations from guest speakers, the official meeting will begin at 6.30 and will follow the agenda below:
Acknowledging the Traditional Owners of this country
- Apologies
- Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting
- Matters arising
- Convenor's Report
- Director's Report
- Treasurer and Auditor’s Report
- Election for Management Committee
- Convenor
- Treasurer
- Public Officer
- Secretary
- Additional members (6)
- Appointment of Auditor
Other business
Following the meeting, you are invited to join us for refreshments and share a drink and a while catching up with other members and friends.