Choosing to run an event to help raise funds for ECNT raises awareness of what we do and furthers our impact in the community.
Plus, it can be a fun way to connect with your friends and wider community on environmental issues important to you.
Ready to run an event, but need an idea?
Perhaps give one of below events a go? Choose something you know you'll be good at running, you're intersted in, and something that you know your immediate friends and family would be keen to attend! This will make your first event smoother to run and more enjoyable.
- Run a bake sale
- Host a fiesta with a cash bar
- Facebook birthday fundraiser
- Adventure challenge
- Market stall
- Run a workshop
- Film screening
- Host a pizza night or BBQ
- Clothes swap
- Dinner party
Need help understanding how to run one of these events? Contact ECNT for a chat!
Diving in... how to pull off an event and reach your fundraising goal!
- Contact ECNT via the form to the right to let us know about your event
- Articulate why you want to fundraise for ECNT. Sharing your personal story resonates with others and will inspire more people to become engaged with your event
- Choose which type of event you want to run, and let ECNT know so we can assist in setting up a fundraising page for your event on our website (if you like) and promotion
- Choose how you will accept donations. ECNT can create you your own fundraising page on our website (similar to this) or you can create an online fundraising page yourself through sites such as Facebook and GoFundMe (always add a photo and snapshot of why you've decided to raise funds)
- Make a pledge yourself and set a public goal, showing how you're tracking and encouraging others to help you reach your desired amount
- If you're fundraising offline, make signs and posters
- Invite everyone you know to be apart of your event or to donate if they can't attend - friends, family, colleagues, team mates. Share on your social media and send an email out to your contact list
- Promote, promote, promote! Having an online fundraiser shows how you're tracking against your goal, and this can be shared easily. Update people before, during and after the event to keep them engaged and inspired. ECNT can also help you out with this by sharing with our network
- After your event, contact ECNT as we'd love to thank you for your passion and commitment to supporting us, and of course hear how you went! Plus we'd love to profile your story to encourage others to do the same!