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Backyard Banana Blossoms Workshop with Emma Lupin

Nightcliff Seabreeze Festival, Taste of the Top End, and COOLmob bring you two virtual workshops by Emma Lupin. 

These workshops are all about suburban survival, get to know edible tropical plants and grow them yourself!

Well it’s perfect timing for some suburban survival and critical thinking about local economies, community connectedness and growing your own food. Here in The Top End we can grow amazing plants all year that also have fabulous health benefits. These workshops are a short intro into just that. 

You'll learn how to pick and prepare a banana flower and make it into a fresh crunchy salad using local tropical ingredients.

Emma is an NT based multi-talented community member with a love for the arts and environment, people and nature and their interconnectedness. She has worked for many years in community engagement with a particular focus on Tropical edible plants and inspiring community members to connect to each other and our tropical home through local food; much of which she learnt while sailing and working as a cook in the Pacific islands before arriving by boat in Darwin in 2008.

Register here for the workshop details and recipe to be emailed to you! 

May 09, 2020 at 11:00am - 12pm
Your home!
Carolina Padilha Elsa Meier Emma Lupin Kylie Cuff Chris Bergmann Bryn Wackett Robson Bond Carol Mathison Lisa Pieca Mandy Lawrence Nico Forster-Jordan Mali Grossman Lauren Moss Simona Paganetto Debby Mauger Anitra Jackson Justina Cross Laura Callaghan Kerry Braun Judy Hansen Maerwen Taylor Cin X Sara Bowman Bobbi King Michaele Armstrong Brittany Hayward-Brown Lou De Mattia

Will you come?