We have incredible news. There is a new opportunity to save Lee Point, but we need to act quickly.
Lovers of Lee Point know that migratory shorebirds have been travelling 1000s of kilometres to arrive at the beloved beaches of Binybara/Lee Point for millennia. Their journey is marvelled around the world.
Right now, the Development Consent Authority is considering whether to extend the development permit for Lee Point, which lapses on 30 November 2023. But there's a big problem. Defence Housing Australia started works before a plan to protect migratory shorebirds had even been signed off. This is currently under investigation.
There is a meeting of the Development Consent Authority on 17 November 2023. We need our community to send a message loud and clear to the DCA that the development permit must not be extended, due to unacceptable impacts on our globally significant migratory shorebird population.
We're calling on you to sign the petition today, to save Lee Point and its magnificent shorebirds.
Send a message to the Development Consent Authority to let them know that they have the power to Save Lee Point!
Image Credit: Dr Amanda Lilleyman and Tobias Aakesson