We have a once in a generation opportunity to overhaul our federal nature laws – and we must get it right.
The Australian government has committed to introducing new federal nature laws (the Nature Positive Plan). BUT they have already capitulated to the demands of industry, pushing back the most urgently needed aspect of the reforms – strong underpinning legislation that works to reverse the ongoing decline of Australia’s precious nature.
In the 17 years since the EPBC Act was first introduced, 7.7 million hectares of threatened species habitat has been bulldozed. More than 93% of this habitat destruction was not referred for assessment under the EPBC Act.
In the NT, massive land clearing applications – each usually between 3,000 – 4,000ha – are approved without any independent environmental scrutiny. These clearing permits regularly affect federally-listed threatened species habitat and are the source of millions of tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. But no land clearing in the NT has ever been referred for assessment under NT or federal law. This is rampant destruction without oversight.
Under the current law, poorly-planned developments like the DHA housing development at Lee Point are approved via the use of ‘offsets’. But old-growth habitat features, such as tree hollows, are irreplaceable. And inherently place-based cultural values can never be ‘offset’. Offsets lock in environmental decline, allowing precious threatened species habitat and cultural values to be bulldozed. Lee Point/Binybara exemplifies the failings of the current EPBC Act.
Our national environment law must stop rampant deforestation. It must incorporate climate impacts and it must provide strong upfront protections for critical habitat.
Please sign our petition to Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek and join thousands of people around Australia calling for the urgent overhaul of the EPBC Act.
Once common species now threatened with extinction in the NT