On 10 December 2021 Environment Centre NT drafted a submission to the Pastoral Land Board regarding Vermelha Pty Ltd's application to clear pastoral land (s38(1)(h)) on Vermelha Station.
A summary of the submission to the Pastoral Land Board is below or download the full letter here.
The Environment Centre NT (ECNT) is the peak community sector environmental organisation in the Northern Territory of Australia, raising awareness among community, government, business, and industry about environmental issues. We assist people to reduce their environmental impact and support community members to participate in decision-making processes and action.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide a comment on the application (Application) of Vermelha Pty Ltd (the Proponent) to the Pastoral Land Board (PLB) for a permit to clear Pastoral Land under section 38(1)(h) of the Pastoral Land Act 1992 (NT) in respect of Vermelha Station PPL 1174.
ECNT submits that:
(a) the Application should be refused; or
(b) the Application must be referred for assessment under the Environment Protection Act 2019 (NT) because it clearly meets the threshold of having the potential to have a significant impact on the environment.