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Mataranka Water Allocation Plan - Submission Writing Guide 

Environment Centre NT have drafted a submission writing guide to assist you with writing to the NT government's Water Resources Department and Minister Worden about the draft Mataranka Tindall Water Allocation plan. 

Despite the risks to the Territory’s iconic places like Rainbow and Bitter Springs, the Roper River and freshwater sawfish, the government is forging ahead with plans to allocate billions of litres of groundwater to thirsty industries like fracking and cotton.

Water Allocation Plans should consider the best available science and the ecological and cultural values of water before handing water over to industry, but this plan falls short. 

Background information: The risks of the NT Government’s draft Mataranka Water Allocation Plan

Read our factsheet explaining how the proposed levels of water extraction would likely cause the aquifer's water flow to reverse direction. 

The full Submission Writing Guide can be found here

Submissions are due before midnight on 3 June 2024. 

Make sure you email your submission to: 

If you would like to speak to someone about writing a submission, get in touch via [email protected]

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