The ENCT has made a new submission to the Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority on the proposed Sun Cable Pty Ltd – Australia-Asean Power Link Project.
Sun Cable Pty Ltd is proposing to establish a large-scale solar farm and energy storage facility in the Barkly region, NT, with power exported via a high-voltage direct current transmission network to Murrumujuk on Gunn Point Peninsula, north-east of Darwin, and then sub-sea cable through NT, National and International waters to Singapore.
For over thirty years, ECNT’s position has been that we do not support development of industry at the Gunn Point and Glyde Point peninsula.
ECNT wishes to emphasise the immense social, cultural and environmental values of Gunn Point Peninsula, where part of Sun Cable’s project will now be sited. It is imperative that rigorous assessment of these values, and any impacts on them, occurs as part of the environmental impact assessment. It is also imperative that Sun Cable engage early, often and constructively with a wide variety of stakeholders with an interest in Gunn Point, including but not limited to Traditional Owners of the area, and preferably to obtain their free, prior and informed consent to the project.
You can read our submission here.
You can read previous submissions here, and here, and a report on the conservation values of Gunn Point here.