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Webinar: Gamba Grass – changing the Top End Forever? 2021 update

Where are we now with this four-metre high African grass, once brought in as cattle pasture and now steadily transforming the Top End’s ancient savanna woodlands (unless we stop it)?

Last year we recorded our webinar looking closely at gamba grass, it’s impacts on plants, animals and people and how to stop it (catch the edited recording here). 

Since then gamba became big news during the Territory elections and big promises were made. One of them was funding the Gamba Army.

This new webinar will give you important updates:

  • Where has gamba spread so far in the Top End? Which areas need most urgent action?
  • The Gamba Army – achievements? lessons learned? will funding continue or not? 
  • The NT Government’s 5-year gamba management plan – what is it? first year report?
  • Litchfield National Park? What did CDU researchers find out from their survey in April?
  • Kakadu and West Arnhemland – are rangers holding gamba at bay?
  • What can you do to help stop the march of gamba across the Top End?

Join Dave Liddle (ECNT ecologist), Rowena Eastick (Territory NRM/Gamba Army), Susanne Casanova (Territory NRM), Natalie Rossitor-Rachor (CDU), Mitch Hart (Gamba Grass Roots) and others as they paint a clear picture of what’s going on and what needs to happen.

RSVP on this page, and the Zoom webinar link will be emailed through. 

(RSVP even if you cannot attend, but you would like to be sent the link to the edited recording later).

Note that non-panel participants will be muted during the webinar, but there will be an opportunity to ask questions towards the end. Use a computer if you can (for a better view of visuals) or if not, a smartphone will suffice. We suggest turn off your video on joining the webinar so your face doesn’t accidentally appear in the recorded version on Youtube! Get the Zoom app for whatever device you use here. 

November 30, 2021 at 3:00pm - 4:20pm
Zoom webinar
Andy Peart ·

Will you come?