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What is community energy? Arid Lands Environment Centre explains

The Alice Springs Community Garden, a project of the Arid Lands Environment Centre, is not only powered on solar but exports to the town's electricity grid.

"Energy distribution is generally the hallmark of big business," says Jimmy Cocking, CEO of the Arid Lands Environment Centre and an Alice Springs Town Councillor. "Community energy is about how do we get more people involved in securing the energy supply for our community."

That might be through pooling money and bulk buying solar panels, putting money together to set up large or utility-scale projects, or community batteries.

From large-scale solar farms to family-owned local solar installers, the Northern Territory's solar industry is generating jobs, boosting the local economy and supplying Territorian businesses and households with local and affordable power. Learn about the incredible Territorians driving the solar transition in our series: Solar stories from the Territory.