On Saturday February 29, the Darwin seat of Johnston is heading to a by-election! Help us show voters which parties have pledged to repower the Territorian economy with renewable energy, creating thousands of new jobs and lowering power prices.
Sign-up to a 3-hour shift and our election day co-ordinator will be in touch shortly. Polling booths will be located in the Johnston electorate (which includes Jingili, Millner, Moil and a large part of Alawa).
Tips for volunteering on election day
As a Repower NT Champion, you'll be talking to voters about renewables and handing out our candidate scorecard. Here are our tips for having impactful conversations. Many of these tips also apply to conversations with friends and families.
- Before your shift, read our Repower NT Champions Guide
- Bring a bottle of water, a hat and arrive 5 minutes early
- A warm, engaged and relaxed manner works best
- Good openers: "Good morning! Vote for renewables" "Hi! Here's how to vote for renewable jobs"
- Don't argue. Aim for a short, respectful and factual conversation. Don't get caught up in long debates
- Collect data: encourage people to join our mailing list. Record people's views. Take notes. It's invaluable!
- Train the volunteer replacing you