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Volunteer induction for our election campaign Repower NT

Between now and the NT election on August 22, The Environment Centre NT will be holding market stalls every Saturday and Sunday in Darwin and Palmerston. Now we're looking for friendly volunteers to help staff these market stalls and talk to voters.

Join our hour-long volunteer induction to learn about our Repower NT campaign, get fully trained to staff the market stall and sign-up for a shift. The only requirement is that you're available for at least one Saturday or Sunday shift (shifts are only two hours long) between now and August 22.

Feel free to visit our Repower NT website to learn more about the campaign and read our handy guide to advocating for renewables in advance of the induction.

Volunteering helps to boost your skills, grow your networks and friendships, and best of all it is fun!


July 28, 2020 at 8:00am - 9am
The Environment Centre NT
Unit 3 / 98 Woods St
Darwin City, NT 0800
Google map and directions
Monica Tan · · 0425243750
Robyn Rose Joanna Parish

Will you come?